Ludic Podcasts

A series of podcasts was produced to bring more and meaningful insights into the world of games and play in business and society. Enjoy listening to the new podcast series!


Ludic Thinking and the Dopamine Society

A brief initiation into ludic thinking and the dopamine society. Are you ready to jump?

Ludic Enterprises: Embedding Narratives of Play into Business

Different narratives of play into business. The rationalistic, the humanistic, the critical and the digital hero perspective are waiting for you!

Ludic Leadership: Leading in Times of the Dopamine Society

Ludic Leadership provides the professional interaction design for performative work experiences and the personal training and coaching for the employees to stay ahead of the business game.

The Ludic Enterprise Gamification Framework

The Ethics of Game Thinking

What a nice game is philosophy: A play on words and meaning! Did not Plato teach us that we learn more about the character of a man by playing with him for one our than by talking with him for a whole year? But, seriously, when we talk about ethics in a mundane sense, we talk about the responsibility of actions and the definition of good and evil, a compass to orient our understanding and course of action.

Digitalkultur - Facetten digitaler Transformation
Alle reden von der digitalen Transformation, die so viele Bereiche des Lebens durchdringt, Ängste und Sorgen schafft, disruptive Risiken und Chancen bietet und schillernde neue Arbeitswelten verspricht. Die digitale Transformation hat eine kulturelle Dimension: Sie verändert Unternehmen, die Art wie wir miteinander kommunizieren, wie wir arbeiten, wie wir Leistungen erbringen und diese messen.
Dieser Sammelband zeichnet anhand von zahlreichen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten, Fallstudien, Praxisberichten, Essays und einem Interview die facettenreiche Welt der digitalen Kulturtransformation der Berliner Wirtschaft durch interaktive Spielelemente nach. Gleichzeitig dokumentiert er die fruchtbare und kreative Arbeit des DiKuBiS-Forschungsprojektes unter Einbeziehung vieler Praxispartner.
Er richtet sich zuerst an interessierte Praktiker, die Einblicke in Theorien und die vielfältige Praxis der digitalen Kulturtransformation gewinnen wollen.
Digitalkultur LUDEO.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 59.9 MB

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